“Let Me Play” Fund
Program Guidelines and Application
Program administered by Williams County Family YMCA on behalf of United Way of Williams County.
The “Let Me Play” fund is underwritten by the United Way of Williams County and will provide player’s fees, uniform costs, or even equipment to children who would like to participate in area recreation programs, but do not have the means to do so. Community enrichment programs such as crafts, theater, 4-H, and band may also be covered. Activities for kids, including sports and recreation programs teach life skills like teamwork, dedication, work ethic, and help build self esteem. “Let Me Play” ensures that Williams County children will have the opportunity to participate in activities regardless of their family’s financial situation. If you would like to submit a request for consideration, please follow the procedure listed below.
Program Guidelines
- Attached is an information sheet which must be filled out completely. You must also provide the two most recent paystubs for income verification. We utilize the Household Income Guidelines from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services for verification.
- There is a limit of $100 per child and $300 per family per year. Recipients must be residents of Williams County.
- It is strongly encouraged that the program/league for which funds will be used be located in Williams County.
- “Let Me Play” funds may not be used for “Pay to Play” programs at local high schools. Funds may also not be used for private lessons/for profit entities.
- Submit completed paperwork to the Williams County Family YMCA, One Faber Drive, Bryan OH at least two weeks prior to the deadline date of purpose for request (if applicable).
- The YMCA will contact you, by phone, within one week to notify you if you’ve been approved.
- Upon approval, a check will be made out to the party or parties that need payment for your child or children to participate in the program described in the application. Checks will not be made out to individuals.
We encourage each recipient to write a letter of appreciation, describing the experience, to the United Way of Williams County (PO Box 525, Bryan, OH 43506) or submitting it online: https://www.unitedwaywc.org/contact-us